What Happen Lately?

It's a big question, for myself. What happen lately? What really happen? Life seems not standing on it's own, flowing like a dead fish on the river.

What I need? Plan, sparks and strong will.

Who doesn't have plans? Everyone does have, even just one, short term ones. I do have, a lot. I plan them before summer holiday starts, 2 months ago. And now, it's coming to an end.

Holiday is no longer here. I ruined it.
Swimming, web coding, restore old motorcycle.
Playing? Everyday. Not in a good way.
I play on my smartphone, not cool.
Playstation on laptop, not cool enough.
Watching YouTube, bit entertaining, but it hurts my eyes.

I should play physically, basketball, soccer, or something else. I sit all day in front of my laptop doing, most of them, useless things. I don't gain any body weights, instead, skinnier. I don't really know why, but I tend to not enjoy eating.

Sparks - is a term for ideas, inspiration that boost me or kick me in the ass so I got enough will to work on something. Spark? Checked.

I got them from Instagram! By seeing others' works, I feel like 'I should make more lettering too!' And another big spark is from Casey Neistat's YouTube Channel. He got awesome videos to watch, so inspiring, and make me wanna live like he does! You should check him out!

Strong will? Lack of it. Something's missing, something big is missing from me. I heard this quote somewhere *forgot : 'If internet is your number 1 thing, your life is in a big trouble.' And it is. I mean, it's digital not really real, social but not so social it is fake. You need something physical, you can touch and interact with. Friends and journey it is.

I spend my middle high school in the city I was born, the capital city Jakarta. Then spending 3 years senior high school on Central Java, small city called Muntilan near the great Borobudur Temple. And now I'm studying college at Surabaya, the second largest city after Jakarta, located at East Java.

I don't make much friend on middle high, and I got more friends on high school. While at home, I don't have much friend to hang out with, almost none maybe. Maybe I need a community. I can spend my time alone going through the city, with public transportation, but not cozy and safe enough. But probably I should try it!

Over the last month, I don't make much hand lettering. I'm interested in leather craft. Hand lettering still my main hobby but the percentage will reduce over time since leather craft seems making more money than lettering does - I haven't make any money from lettering yet.

And about this blog. I will post more about design and lettering, for sure. I got a tutorial on draft and thinking about making free textures and fonts.

But above all, try something - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Stay in touch. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram : laurensiusadi_ (both)


Laurensius Adi

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